Measles & Rubella Awareness Campaign
The Measles & Rubella Partnership (M&RP) is led by the American Red Cross, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, the United Nations Foundation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization.
This partnership aims to achieve a world without measles and rubella by supporting countries to raise coverage of measles, rubella, and other vaccines; fund, plan, implement, and monitor quality supplementary campaigns; investigate outbreaks and provide technical and financial support for effective outbreak response, propose, and participate in solutions to strengthen immunization delivery; and support a global laboratory network for measles and rubella.
By organizing an awareness campaign, you will educate others about the Measles & Rubella Partnership (M&RP), help save children from these diseases, and support the Red Cross mission.
How to Get Started
Step 1: Set Clear Goals and Objectives
Define your desired outcomes for the activity and create measurable goals and objectives to guide the planning process. We encourage you to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into your activity and be creative with your approaches.
Step 2: Plan the Details
Learn about M&RP
• These resources go more into depth about M&RP to prepare you to host this activity.
• Measles and Rubella Photo Gallery
• Measles & Rubella Initiative Video Gallery
• Measles & Rubella Infographics
• Measles & Rubella Initiative Branding Guidelines
• Vaccinate a Village Activity Guide
Review the brand guidelines
• Review the Red Cross Brand identity at a glance document.
• Review the Red Cross Social Media Guidelines for tips to advocate for the Red Cross using personal social media accounts. Remember, Red Cross Clubs are not permitted to have separate “Red Cross” social media pages, but you can use your personal account to tell your Red Cross story.
• You can email youthinvolvement@redcross.org to have your story featured on the American Red Cross Youth Network Facebook Group or by tagging @americanredcrossyouth on Instagram
Build your M&RP awareness campaign
• If you plan to organize a virtual awareness campaign, choose the social media platform(s) for your campaign. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the approved platforms for this campaign.
• Create a hashtag for your campaign to track your audience’s engagement.
• Create infographics, social media posts, videos, posters, etc., with approved images.
Step 3: Coordinate the Logistics
Set a date and time
• Decide how long your team wants to run your campaign (e.g., four weeks), the number of posts per week, and the topics/content you want to educate others on.
Secure a venue
• If you plan to organize an in-person awareness campaign, find a location in your school or a public place with more foot traffic.
Assign roles and responsibilities
• This activity requires volunteers to create, review, and post/print content. Make sure you credit the original sources.
Gather supplies
• Create a list of needed supplies and make arrangements to acquire them in advance.
Spread the Word
• Advertise the activity through various channels such as social media, email, and school announcements.
• Send a reminder with important details prior to the activity.
• Communicate the plan for this campaign to all club members so they can reshare/spread the word to reach a bigger audience.
Step 4: Facilitate the Activity
• Run through Step 2 and Step 3 in advance and engage the participants throughout the activity.
• Arrive early to set up for the activity (if applicable).
• Engage with your audience virtually by responding to comments, answering questions, or giving shoutouts.
Step 5: Debrief and Thank Your Volunteers
• Invite participants to discuss their experiences and capture lessons learned.
• Thank everyone who contributed and participated.
• Remind volunteers to record their hours through Volunteer Connection.