Tribute Giving is a way to recognize, honor, and celebrate people and events that are important to you by giving back to others. You can provide food, shelter, comfort, and hope to neighbors that need it most.
A Tribute gift is a personal way to recognize an individual by dedicating a gift to the Red Cross in their name. Three ways a Tribute gift can be made at the Red Cross are in honor, in memory, and in celebration.
Make a gift in honor of someone close to you by listing them as the Honoree when you make a gift to the Red Cross. A Tribute Card can be emailed or mailed to your Honoree, or other recipients, in recognition of your generous gift.
Cherish the memory of a loved one by giving a gift in their memory. This is a wonderful way to recognize the important impact someone has had on your life by donating to the Red Cross. A Tribute card can be sent to the Honoree’s family, or other loved ones, to show your sympathy and support, letting them know their loved one is being remembered.
Set up your own Tribute Fundraising page to encourage others to mark a milestone with you. Make a page to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation, or other special occasion; or create a page in memoriam to someone who has passed and celebrate their life by encouraging a gift to the Red Cross in lieu of flowers.
When a Tribute gift is made, donors have the option to notify a family member, friend, or other loved one by sending a Tribute card. A Tribute tells the recipient(s) a gift was made.
After you've made a donation, select the “SEND ECARD” option to have an emailed card sent right away, then follow these steps to complete the process.
Select the “MAIL A CARD” option to have a mailed card sent within 5-7 business days to recognize your gift, then follow these steps to complete the process.