In Los Angeles, PrepareSoCal is built around a community-led model called PrepareLA that identifies where socioeconomic, geographic and environmental disaster risks pose a grave threat to the viability of community life. The Red Cross then brings a variety of preparedness programs and leadership to these Communities of Focus.
About Resiliency and Preparedness Coalitions
In Los Angeles County, several Communities of Focus have formed Preparedness Coalitions made up of dedicated individuals from local businesses, government, community-based organizations and faith-based organizations who meet regularly to strategize help the Red Cross bring training and information to their community. Some communities have even taken the next step by forming Resiliency Coalitions, which are Preparedness Coalitions that are actively drafting and working to implement a 4-year resiliency plan with government officials.
Explore the communities below to learn about the progress being made in every kind of Community of Focus as part of the PrepareSoCal campaign.