Your financial gift helps people affected by disasters big and small.
Your financial gift helps people affected by disasters big and small.
List of blood locations
List of blood locations
At 16 years old, Jupiter Brady-McCullough is at an excitingcrossroads in life. A junior in high school, the Ithaca resident is just beginning toconsider college and different career paths, including an EMT certification –and this past December, they embarked on an unexpected journey when a Red Crossblood drive was held at their school.
“I was excited because I’m kind of getting to the age whereyou can do some things that you couldn’t really do before. So, when I learnedthat you could donate at 16, I thought, ‘Oh, cool! Another thing to try!’ I definitelyknew it would be useful to someone and it was my hope that it would makesomeone feel better.”
Despite some first-time jitters, Brady-McCullough deemed theappointment a success, thanks to a “pretty decent” snack spread and the factthat they may or may not have missed a less than favorite class (shhh), but itwas the information they received after the appointment that startedBrady-McCullough on a new path to help patients in need.
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