Emergencies can occur at anytime and anyplace. The Red Cross provides disaster education presentations to thousands of individuals in the community to prevent prepare for and recover from disasters or other life-threatening emergencies.
Each year, the American Red Cross responds to more than 70,000 disasters, including home fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, hazardous materials spills, transportation accidents, explosions, and other natural and man-made disasters. The most common of these disasters is fires. Although the American Red Cross is not a government agency, its authority to provide disaster relief was formalized in 1905 when the organization was chartered by Congress to provide disaster relief and mitigation.
We could have just the opportunity you’re looking for ... whether it's training to respond to disasters, supporting a blood drive, delivering messages to members of our military, or connecting families displaced by conflict, we hope you'll join our mission.
The American Red Cross Youth Association in the Eastern Virginia Region serves teens with a fresh outlook on their community through a combination of service projects, fundraising events, and discussions concerning their local environment. Every other week, the group gets together to talk over present and future plans that give them the opportunity to directly and indirectly serve their local Red Cross and its mission.
At the American Red Cross we consider you our partner in providing a safe and adequate blood supply to the patients who need it. As our partner, we are concerned about your good health and making blood donation a positive experience.
American Red Cross training is vital to preparing our community for the everyday disasters that can strike without warning. First Aid, CPR, water safety training, and other Red Cross safety course, taught by skilled Red Cross instructors, are essential in saving lives and providing health information to families, students, and employees. Health, Safety & Community Services provides information and education to help people prevent, prepare for, and cope with emergencies. These courses help make our communities healthier and safer places to live.
The Nurse Assistant Training Program offers classroom and hands-on clinical/lab training to prepare you for testing and certification as a Certified Nurse Aide by the Virginia Board of Nursing.
The Service to the Armed Forces Program ensures that service members, veterans, and their families have worldwide access to timely and reliable humanitarian services. Both active-duty and community-based military rely on the Red Cross to provide access to vital services such as emergency communications, financial assistance, and information and referral.
The Home Fire Campaign helps save lives by installing free smoke alarms in homes that don't have them, and by educating people about home fire safety.
With more than a century of experience, the American Red Cross works with the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable communities.