Anjana Dayal de Prewitt's Red Cross Story

Anjana Dayal de Prewitt is the director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultation for the American Red Cross and has served the Red Cross mission for over 20 years.
Following an earthquake in 2001 that devastated communities in Gujarat, India, the Indian Red Cross Society sought support from the American Red Cross in their disaster mental health programming to help people in Gujarat recover. Anjana raised her hand and stepped into a role as a training officer and has served the Red Cross mission in various capacities ever since.
“It was right then that I realized this is exactly what I want to do. In the middle of suffering, the Red Cross is there. In vulnerable situations and in vulnerable communities, we as the Red Cross can help support and show those communities that they are more resilient than they could have ever imagined.”
In her tenure with the Red Cross, Anjana has worked in more than 30 countries and has provided support and leadership in over 40 disasters and conflict zones, where she conducted situational analysis, designed and managed programs, developed training curricula and built capacity of the local teams.
“In the middle of calamities and disasters, people were still getting up on their feet. Since I first learned what the Red Cross mission entailed, I’ve felt led to advocate for those we are aiming to serve.”
In her first role, Anjana created a library for mental health and provided psychosocial support for the Indian Red Cross Society. Since then, she has supported the work of the Red Cross through the psychosocial support program across different sectors. Whether teaching psychosocial curriculum in a Buddhist pirivena in Sri Lanka or serving as a senior adviser for Gender and Community Mobilization, Anjana has been an extraordinary advocate and teacher of Red Cross programs, services, and curriculum since she was first introduced to the Red Cross following the Bhuj earthquake in 2001.
Notably, Anjana has recently presented on the topic of Inclusion and Allyship to the Tiffany Circle National Council, the leadership group that guides the Tiffany Circle, a group of women committed to advancing the mission of the Red Cross through gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Her leadership continues to be a driving force in advocacy and representation for those we serve.