“My father always said, ‘Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. But when you can help, help others,'” Betty López-Castro (pictured on the right) recalls. “He did exactly that in his life, and I want to follow in his legacy and do the same. It makes me feel proud to support the important work of the Red Cross and to be a Tiffany Circle member.”
Betty reflects on when she was first introduced to the American Red Cross in 2005, following a hurricane that devastated her community in South Florida. Betty’s next-door neighbor asked her for help in getting water and supplies from the nearby Red Cross supply distribution site to get her through the next few days without electricity. When Betty arrived at the site, she was impressed with how quickly it was set up and how efficient the process was in delivering critical relief supplies to her community so soon after a devastating storm.
After seeing the Red Cross in action, Betty knew that she had found a way to truly help others. She got involved locally and joined the Tiffany Circle, a community of women committed to advancing the Red Cross mission through gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Betty speaks to her experience as a member of the South Florida Tiffany Circle: “It’s just amazing—the resources that the Tiffany Circle gives to enable the work and fulfill the mission—through ever-changing needs like we saw through the pandemic. Through every disaster and storm. The Red Cross is always there, whether you see it or not. If there’s need, the Red Cross is working. It just goes to show you the power of the American Red Cross.”