Karen Teller's Red Cross Story

Karen Teller inspired and created the very first Red Cross team to participate in the Boston Marathon. After applying for several years, Team Red Cross was awarded 20 bibs to run in 2012. Since that very first race, the team has raised $4.5M on behalf of the American Red Cross and has grown to a team of 60 bibs.
Karen recalled, "It’s a very special program. Team Red Cross is something I am so very proud to have initiated and still be part of today. I have run with the team for four years and ran Chicago with Team Red Cross in 2017. One of the many memories I cherish are the personal Red Cross stories shared by our runners during our training weeks. The Red Cross truly impacts so many lives."
In addition to her work with Team Red Cross, Karen has served in several volunteer leadership roles with the Red Cross since joining as a Tiffany Circle member over 12 years ago. The Tiffany Circle is a group of women dedicated to advancing the mission of the Red Cross through investments of time, talent, and treasure. Karen shared, "A special and rewarding part of being involved with the Tiffany Circle is the friendships I have been lucky enough to have made over the years."
In Karen’s many years as a Red Cross volunteer, she reflected on the role of the Red Cross in building resilient communities. Those lessons in resiliency came full circle for Karen. "My life changed in 2015 when I lost my husband suddenly. He went out for a 4-mile run and died a half a block from our home," she said. "I learned that resilience is what makes you get up in the morning to keep moving. I am so thankful for the leadership role I held that next year as I stepped into the Chair of the Tiffany Circle National Council. Supporting the important work of the Red Cross mission alongside the wonderful people within the Tiffany Circle brought me so much fulfillment and positivity when I needed it most."