“My parents raised us in a household where volunteering or using your talents to help others was a consistent part of our life. As a mom, my personal goal is to raise kind humans who contribute positively to the world. I want to teach my three kids that we should always lead with kindness and be there for each other."
Lauren Barber is a new member of the Charleston, South Carolina Tiffany Circle, but she has known the impact of this group of philanthropic women for over a decade because her mom is also a member.
“The amazing female business owners, creatives, determined and bleeding hearts that I have met through the Tiffany Circle are all examples for myself and my daughters (and son) that giving a part of yourself makes the world a better place. Now it’s so wonderful to be a part of the organization myself – and very special for my mom and I to spend time together at events and give blood regularly.
When the Tiffany Circle is hosting a blood drive, I have my kids help me make promotional videos to get donors signed up. They make cards for donors and attend the blood drives. They are learning that the world is bigger than themselves and that giving back to others makes us feel good and helps others. The snacks are an added plus!”