Hosted by the American Red Cross, Be Red Cross Ready is a national, standardized, FREE preparedness education curriculum for adults taught by certified presenters. The program is designed to help people understand, prepare for and respond appropriately to disasters. The course is taught in 20-minute modules, with the option to mix and match various preparedness topics including: Preparedness Essentials, Home Fires, Flood, Tornadoes, Extreme Heat, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms.
American Red Cross Ready Rating™ is a program designed to help businesses, organizations and schools become better prepared for emergencies. Ready Rating is a free and easy, web-based membership program that allow organizations to use one or two proprietary assessments to measure their current state of preparedness. Then based on their own score, the program provides a Next Steps Report which helps them develop a complete Business Continuity Program.
The virtual Pillowcase Project is a free interactive preparedness program designed for children in grades 3 through 5. The program aims to increase awareness and understanding of natural hazards, teach safety and emotional coping skills, as well as the importance of personal preparedness. Through the presentation, students learn the best ways to stay safe and how to create their own emergency supply kits by packing essential items in a pillowcase for easy transport during a disaster. Students will receive a digital workbook and will be encouraged to share what they’ve learned with friends and family.
In this program participants learn how to check for consciousness, call 911 (or the local emergency number), and give continuous chest compressions. Having more citizen bystanders trained in this simple skill can help save lives by putting more cardiac arrest victims within a few steps of lifesaving assistance. CPR training certification is not provided through this course.
Prepare with Pedro is a 30- to 45-minute preparedness education program for grades K-2 that teaches students how to "be prepared" and "take action".