Widow Gives Blood in Honor of Donors Who Enabled Precious Moments with Late Husband
"Blood products enabled the moment for him to see his parents and his wife one last time."
"Blood products enabled the moment for him to see his parents and his wife one last time."
Anaïs Deïdon has selflessly donated blood her entire life, but when tragedy struck her family last year, she experienced firsthand the lifesaving power of blood. Anaïs' husband, Jean-Gregoire, experienced a rupturing aneurysm. Tragically, complications of the aneurysm took his life. Anaïs gives credit to the blood he received as the reason she got to spend precious final moments with him. "Blood products enabled the moment for him to see his parents and his wife one last time."
Story told by Megan Miller, Red Cross Volunteer
Anaïs Deïdon, of Mount Pleasant, SC, has selflessly donated blood her entire life, but when tragedy struck her family last year, she experienced firsthand the priceless gift of blood donations.
"Last summer, my husband was taken to the hospital in an emergency situation." Anaïs' husband, Jean-Gregoire, known to loved ones as JG, experienced a rupturing aneurysm. "During the night, they brought blood products, and he woke up the next day—that was an amazing moment."
Between the rupture and the resulting surgery, JG lost an enormous amount of blood and needed several blood transfusions to get him through the night.
"I remember waiting for the deliveries, because so much of the hospital supply had been depleted," Anaïs recalled. "By the time he woke up, his parents had the chance to travel in from France and he had moments of awareness with us all. And for that, I will be forever grateful."
Tragically, complications of the aneurysm soon took JG's life. Anaïs gives credit to the blood he received as the reason they were able to have precious final moments with him.
"We were very happy to be together in that hospital room, and I know as he was waking up, he was comforted to have his parents and myself around him," said Anaïs. "Blood products enabled the moment for him to see his parents and his wife one last time."
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood donors help patients of all ages and conditions, from accident and burn victims to patients undergoing surgeries, and those battling cancer.
"It is such a generous act, try it. It's an easy way to help people who are in a complicated situation," said Anaïs. "Doing good makes you feel good."
In her husband's honor, Anaïs now donates blood regularly with the American Red Cross and encourages others to donate alongside her. Join Anaïs in honoring JG's legacy by scheduling an appointment to donate blood today: redcrossblood.org
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