Families rely on the Red Cross to be there when disasters happen, but did you know that you could also turn to the Red Cross for reliable information on preparing for disasters and minimizing their harmful effects? Did you know that life-saving Red Cross training in first aid, CPR and use of an AED could be customized for your workplace? Did you know that the Red Cross could help military and international families exchange emergency messages in a crisis, around in the world?
Browse our site and find out more about these and the many other critical services your local Red Cross is providing each day to keep you and your loved ones safe.
When disaster strikes, the Red Cross is ready to provide a place to sleep, warm meals, clothing, emotional support and hope to those affected.
We could have just the opportunity you’re looking for ... whether it's training to respond to disasters, supporting a blood drive, delivering messages to members of our military, or connecting families displaced by conflict, we hope you'll join our mission.
We offer training in first aid, CPR/AED, swimming and water safety, care giving and more.
We relay urgent messages between U.S. service members and their families through our global communications.
The American Red Cross is launching a nationwide campaign to reduce the number of home fire deaths and injuries by 25% over the next five years through the Home Fire Preparedness Safety Campaign.
With more than a century of experience, the American Red Cross works with the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable communities.