Now in its 24th year, Heroes in the Heartland honors individuals who have saved another person’s life during the past year or who have positively impacted the quality of life in the Omaha Council Bluffs Metro area.
Call to Action - presented to an individual who by circumstances beyond their control found themselves in a challenging situation and demonstrated extraordinary courage.
Commitment to Community - presented to an individual, couple, group or organization that has made a tremendous impact on the community through their volunteerism, philanthropy, service to others, or example.
Disaster Relief - presented to an individual or organization who has served an important role in disaster relief in our community.
Gift of Life – presented to an individual, couple, group or organization that supports the lifesaving mission through personal blood or platelet donations or inspiring others to give blood or platelets.
Good Samaritan - presented to an individual who is considered a hero because of their unselfish devotion and concern for the welfare of others.
Lifetime Hero - presented to an individual who inspire others by their example. This individual has overcome hardship, risen above challenges, or dedicated their life to serving others.
Public Servant Hero - presented to an individual who in the line of duty (police, fire, military, medical, etc.) went above and beyond the call.
Heroes from these and other categories will be considered for the event.