Story told by Cheary Shelim, Red Cross Volunteer
“I have been a blood donor for many years but only recently began donating regularly,” shares Christine Hall of Sunset, SC. “My brother-in-law is going through chemo that affects his red blood cell count. He routinely requires blood transfusions. Because others volunteer so that he can get the blood he needs, I am giving so that others might benefit from receiving my blood.”
Christine is a breast cancer survivor who treasures her family. Her sister, Tricia, was also a breast cancer survivor for 12 years before she was diagnosed with leptomeningeal disease in November 2021. Christine and another sister moved closer to Tricia to help care for her. But Tricia’s husband, Pat, became her primary caregiver until she passed away only three months later. Pat and Tricia had been together since he was 15 and she was 14.
“He was there for her every day during the course of her treatment, and I got to see what true love looks like during a health crisis,” Christine recalls.
About a year later, almost to the day of his wife’s passing, Pat was diagnosed with lung cancer that had metastasized to his liver.
“It was too far gone,” shares Christine. “It’s treatable but not curable, so he’s doing all his treatments, but because of the effect the treatment has on his red blood cells, he needs to have blood transfusions.”
Christine says that is what inspired her to donate her blood. She has known her brother-in-law since she was 3 years old.
“Someone was willing to give him their blood,” she said. “I feel that I should give back because my family is benefiting from someone else giving.”
One donation of whole blood can help save more than one life. Whole blood can be separated into red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. These blood components can go to different recipients who need them. Platelets are most often used for cancer patients undergoing treatment.
“I’m fearful of needles,” Christine says. “I just think [giving blood] is bigger than the fear. The people who work at the American Red Cross really know what they’re doing. They’re very good at what they do and make you comfortable while you’re doing it.”
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