Volunteer Walter Reddick assists training participants
The American Red Cross teamed up with KeyBank to train interested employees on how to administer hands-only CPR.
The training was held in Key Tower in downtown Cleveland. Patricia Buckhold, a former Red Cross regional volunteer services officer and current volunteer, conducted the training.
More than 30 KeyBank employees took part in the training. During two 30-minute sessions, participants watched a video and listened to Pat discuss the proper technique for hands-only CPR. Participants were also given the opportunity to put their training into action by using compression tools, in the shape of a Red Cross emergency response vehicle, to help reinforce their training in a hands-on approach.
“I think there’s a lot of interest in people knowing what to do in an emergency, and this is a good way to start their education,” said Katie Rothstein, KeyBank’s onsite health promotion specialist.
If you are interested in having the Red Cross conduct a hands-only CPR training for members of your organization, you may submit a request. The Red Cross also provides a wide array of training for individuals, such as CPR training, babysitting and child care training, and swimming lessons. To learn more about upcoming training courses, . To schedule a training, call 1-800-Red Cross (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcross.org/take-a-class.
To view more photos from the training, visit our Flickr page.