Hosted by the American Red Cross, Be Red Cross Ready is a national, standardized, FREE preparedness education curriculum for adults taught by certified presenters. The program is designed to help people understand, prepare for and respond appropriately to disasters big and small.
94% of business owners believe that a disaster could seriously disrupt their business (think covid!), but over one third of these owners have no business continuity plan. Ready Rating helps businesses, schools and organizations become better prepared for emergencies. Organizations do a self-evaluation of their current state of preparedness and based on your assessment; Ready Rating provides information to help you develop a Business Continuity Program for your organization.
All you need is a laptop or smart phone to access the online classroom.
There are no classes scheduled at this time. Please check back.
American Red Cross Ready Rating™ is a program designed to help businesses, organizations and schools become better prepared for emergencies. Ready Rating is a free and easy, web-based membership program that allow organizations to use one or two proprietary assessments to measure their current state of preparedness. Then based on their own score, the program provides a Next Steps Report which helps them develop a complete Business Continuity Program.