A survey conducted for the Red Cross, shows that people mistakenly believe they have more time than they really do to escape a burning home. Fire experts agree that people may have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late to get out. But most Americans (62 percent) mistakenly believe they have at least five minutes to escape, more than twice the amount they actually have. Nearly 18 percent mistakenly believe they have ten minutes or more to get out.
Across the country, the Red Cross is partnering with local fire departments and community groups to install smoke alarms in neighborhoods with high numbers of home fires. The goal is to reduce deaths and injuries from home fires by as much as 25 percent over the next five years.
If you, or your community organization, are interested in participating in the program please call Volunteer Services at 216-431-3328 or email NEOvolunteer@redcross.org.