Fred Hart was standing about a hundred yards from his house when he saw flames approaching rapidly. Wasting no time, he called out to his wife, Judy, asking her to get in the car so they could evacuate safely. She quickly hopped into the driver's seat, and despite the blinding smoke and flames surrounding them, they managed to drive out of their neighborhood.
Following the evacuation, Fred and Judy began seeking help and recovery resources. They made their way to Celebration Family Church in Fritch, Texas, where they received social and emotional assistance and other support services from the American Red Cross and other partner organizations.
Filled with empathy, Red Cross worker Laura Davis listened as they shared their story of loss and resilience. Fred, recounting the traumatic moments of evacuation, said, "I saw the flames coming. I was so scared. I wanted to grab my autographed baseballs and rifles, but I didn’t have time to do anything except call my wife out of the house.”
Laura serves as a Disaster Program Manager on the Red Cross disaster relief operation. But, with the overwhelming need for staff, she took on an additional role as with the Community Engagement team, providing a beacon of hope during this challenging time.
Laura discovered that among Fred’s immediate concerns, he needed hearing aids. The Red Cross is committed to addressing the holistic needs of those affected, and she swiftly worked with the Disaster Health Services team to secure the hearing aids. The Red Cross goal is to respond to immediate physical needs and restore a sense of security and dignity to community members that the flames sought to consume.
As the community rallies to rebuild, the Red Cross remains a steadfast partner, ensuring that no one faces recovery alone. If you or someone you know has been affected by the wildfires, call 1-800-Red-Cross or visit
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