By Aleesia Benkey, American Red Cross intern
“I think helping people, in general, is a passion of mine and I know that even with the smallest thing I do for others it can mean a lot to them and make a big difference,” Alondra Chavez said.
Seventeen-year-old Santa Ana resident Alondra has a passion for helping others and has made a difference with the American Red Cross.
Although she was apprehensive at first, Alondra did not let her fears stop her.
“When I first donated, I was apprehensive, but a friend of mine had already done it, and I had just joined the Red Cross Club at my school. When the Red Cross arrived, I was volunteering and assisting with the setup. This inspired me to donate, and I told my parents that day,” Alondra said. “I wanted to donate as a gift since it was going to be my birthday in two weeks.”
By joining the Red Cross Club in February of 2022, Alondra found her way of giving back. She wanted to share her story to motivate her peers and other youth who are afraid they are too young to make a difference.
She donated blood with the Red Cross twice in 2022 and will continue to donate this year, in hopes to inspire other youth to do the same.
“As long as I'm able, I do intend to keep making as many donations as I can. I have a strong desire to help people. I want to be the go-to person for anyone,” Alondra said.
Donate blood, and help save a life; make an appointment to donate blood today.
The Red Cross is always looking to highlight donors and volunteers who make a difference; submit your Red Cross story today.