This is a Leadership Development Camp like nothing you have seen before. This camp offers one of the most pivotal, introspective experiences, guaranteed to change you forever. We teach leadership through helping you know who you are and what you stand for, realizing how important diversity is and helping you get involved and putting your skills to practice. We will motivate you in ways you never thought you could, and you will come back a better you. Whether you feel like you are a strong leader already or have lots of room to grow, this camp will help you become more confident and outgoing and will give you skills that you use the rest of your life.
When: June 23rd - 27th 2025
Where: Camp Pinecliff
Who: Residents of Utah & SW Wyoming CURRENTLY in 9th, 10th or 11th grade
How much: $300 (Discounted rate available to those that qualify)
Heather McKinnon, MSW, Camp Director
801.688.2699 (text or call)
Meesh Gapinski, Camp Coordinator
801.209.2266 (text or call)
“I realize that even though we haven’t known each other for a long time, they made me realize I really am a gift to everyone I meet...”
“This week I learned more about myself than I thought possible…”
“It definitely went beyond my expectations. This was one of the best experiences of my life."
“My whole perspective on life has changed, I can do anything…”
“When I heard about the camp, I thought it would just be a way to get out of the house – not a life changing journey.”
“I’ve had 4 siblings come to this camp and they told me to expect a lot, but It still exceeded my expectations.”
Still want to know more about camp? Check out our orientation video!
Our staff and past delegates love the youth that come to this camp so much that we created a non-profit scholarship fund for you! It’s called the Skip Morgan LDC Scholarship. Each year we collect funds and raise money to award to a past camp attendee for college or higher education. After camp, you can apply for this too! www.smldc.org