A young gentleman, Bali Fedalizo, shows us that there are heroes are all around us, even among our own family members.
In 2019, on a beautiful sunny day, Bali and his family were enjoying a beach day - the perfect Southern California weather and water. A place they had spent many afternoons. Suddenly, Bali’s 10-year-old cousin was pulled underwater by an undercurrent. Thinking quickly, Bali immediately put his Boy Scout training into use.
He swam out to his cousin, grabbed her, pulled her onto shore and applied rescue and first aid techniques taught to him by Boy Scouts Troop 854. Bali's quick action and thinking saved his cousin that day and it was a beautiful display of family love.
Accidents and emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime. The Red Cross encourages everyone to learn first aid so they can act in an emergency. Every second counts, learn what to do until medical help arrives. Visit redcross.org/takeaclass to register for a course today.
For 18 years we have honored Hometown Heroes in our community who have stepped up when there was a need and a call for help. Do you know someone like that? A local hero, someone who provided first-aid, saved a drowning person or even helped someone a burning car? Nominate them for our 18th annual Hometown Hero Award!