Current training schedule (subject to change):
Hands-Only CPR: Hands-only CPR is a life-saving technique that involves simply using chest compressions on a person who has suffered sudden cardiac arrest.
RCP solo con las manos: La RCP solo con las manos es una técnica que salva vidas y que consiste simplemente en aplicar compresiones torácicas a una persona que ha sufrido un paro cardíaco repentino.
Be Red Cross Ready: A preparedness education program designed to help people understand, prepare for, and respond appropriately to disasters by focusing on a step-by-step approach that is manageable, action-oriented, and affordable.
Prepárese con la Cruz Roja: Un programa de educación sobre preparación diseñado para ayudar a las personas a comprender, prepararse y responder adecuadamente a los desastres, centrándose en un enfoque paso a paso que sea manejable, orientado a la acción y asequible.
Prepare with Pedro: A preparedness education program for children ages 5-7 that teaches students how to BE PREPARED and TAKE ACTION for either home fires or a local hazard. Students learn a coping skill and receive a storybook to share what they have learned at home.
Prepárate con Pedro: Un programa educativo de preparación para niños de 5 a 7 años que enseña a los estudiantes cómo ESTAR PREPARADOS y TOMAR ACCIÓN ya sea ante incendios domésticos o ante un peligro local. Los estudiantes aprenden una habilidad de afrontamiento y reciben un libro de cuentos para compartir lo que han aprendido en casa.
Ready New York: Ready New York is NYC Emergency Management's public education campaign. Through the program, you can learn about the hazards you may face in New York City and prepare for all types of emergencies by writing an emergency plan, choosing a meeting place, gathering supplies for your home, and preparing a Go Bag in case you need to leave your home in a hurry.
Listo Nueva York: Ready New York es la campaña de educación pública de NYC Emergency Management. A través del programa, puede aprender sobre los peligros que puede enfrentar en la ciudad de Nueva York y prepararse para todo tipo de emergencias escribiendo un plan de emergencia, eligiendo un lugar de reunión, reuniendo suministros para su hogar y preparando una bolsa de viaje en caso de que necesite salir de casa a toda prisa.
See below for detailed descriptions.
Interested in hosting a "Prepare the Town" event in your community? Contact the Community Preparedness team at
In partnership with New York State, the Red Cross is providing free this emergency preparedness training. The training gives a comprehensive overview on how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and how to respond to and recover from them. The training also provides information on types of common disasters, ways to prepare as an individual, family and community member, what to do when disaster strikes and what actions you can take afterwards to aid in your recovery.
Be Red Cross Ready is a national, standardized, free preparedness education curriculum for adults taught by a certified presenter. The program curriculum is designed to help people understand, prepare for, and respond appropriately to disasters. The curriculum includes an introductory module on emergency preparedness with the option to include one or more modules on a relevant local hazard. In all, 12 local hazard modules have been created including: Home Fire, Hurricane, Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, Tornado, Wildfire, Extreme Heat, Thunderstorm, Winter Storm, Volcano, and Landslide.
Prepare with Pedro is a 30- to 45-minute preparedness education program for grades K-2 that teaches students how to BE PREPARED and TAKE ACTION for either home fires or a local hazard. Students learn a coping skill and receive a storybook to share what they have learned at home.
Hands-only CPR is a life-saving technique that involves simply using chest compressions on a person who has suffered sudden cardiac arrest. This free training session, lasts approximately 30 minutes. Participants learn how to check for consciousness, call 911 (or the local emergency number), and give continuous chest compressions. CPR training certification is not provided through this course.
In partnership with the Brentwood Public Library, the American Red Cross on Long Island hosted “Prepare Brentwood,” a day-long community event on March 25, 2023, featuring safety courses, family readiness training, service opportunities, refreshments, prizes, and more. “Prepare Brentwood” was free to the public and open to residents of all ages.
“At the American Red Cross, we know all too well the devastating impact that disasters like home fires and hurricanes, as well as other unexpected life events, can have on the communities we serve. That’s why community preparedness – which can minimize the impact of these emergencies – is such a priority for us,” said Jose Dominguez, CEO, American Red Cross on Long Island.
Interested in hosting a "Prepare the Town" event in your community? Contact the Community Preparedness team at
Members of the Greater New York preparedness team organized a series of events across the community in February. They joined elementary school students in their own school auditoriums, brought preparedness trainings to community rooms of large apartment complexes, met with older adults in the cafeterias of their senior centers, and connected with teenagers at after-school programs. In addition to offering tips about how to prepare for and stay safe during weather events, team members educated residents about fire safety and installed free smoke alarms in their homes.