“I am running on behalf of the Red Cross because of their eagerness to help those in need, both in the United States and internationally. The Red Cross helps victims of disasters, supports military members and their families, helps to supply blood for those in need, and provides international humanitarian aid. The organization responds to tragedy fast and is on the front lines, helping in any way possible.
While all aspects of the Red Cross' mission are important, I am particularly passionate about helping victims of disasters. My first memory of the Red Cross was watching the news about the devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina, and within hours of this natural disaster, seeing the Red Cross support the New Orleans community in any way they could. I knew then that I wanted to be involved in their mission someday in any way I could. Being able to raise money for the Red Cross during the Boston Marathon and London Marathon was a dream come true, and I cannot wait to continue my fundraising journey for the New York City Marathon surrounded by friends and family.
For me, the most difficult challenge of training and preparing for the marathon is making sure I carve time out of my daily schedule to stay on top of my training routine. Even if I have a deadline at work or a social event, I must find pockets in the day to take time to go out and run, do yoga, or cross-train. Some of the longer training runs can take hours, and the weather doesn't always cooperate, but I simply have to get it done! The best part is the day of the marathon! At that point, the training is done, and the race is my victory lap. I ran Boston and London’s marathon for the Red Cross as well, and it is humbling to hear people cheer out "Go Red Cross!" during the run – it helps me understand that the race is more than just about me running 26.2 miles, but about representing this incredible organization. I've been really blessed to have friends and family at the other marathons I have completed and seeing them at the finish line is the icing on the cake. My sister lives in New York City, so this one will be extra special with her watching me run through the neighborhoods she calls home!
Thank you to everyone who has and will support me in my fundraising for Team Red Cross for the New York City Marathon! I am in constant awe of the Red Cross and what they do daily to provide for those in need. To be a small part of their mission is something I will always be grateful for, and I could not do it without all those supporting me in my fundraising efforts. Every dollar counts and I cannot wait to see how the money I fundraise turns into shelters, hot meals, local disaster response, and many more tangible items for those in need!”
In December 2018, I was coming back from a volunteer trip to Vietnam and was thinking about how I could make more of an impact with the Red Cross. It crossed my mind that I might be able to run for the organization in the Boston Marathon – a bucket list of mine. From there, I took on training and fundraising, learning a lot throughout the process and discovering the Abbott Six-Star journey. I would go on to run for the Red Cross in Chicago and a couple of other charities in my international runs. I am ecstatic to wrap things up with Red Cross this year in NYC!
I have always been passionate about leveraging the power of our volunteers to serve our communities. The fact there are people that give the gift of time to help those in the wake of disaster is nothing less than amazing.
Running has kept me centered throughout the pandemic. It has allowed me to maintain healthy practices in nutrition and training. One of the challenges to training and preparation for the marathon has been making the time to train through all other competing priorities. At the same time, the best part (along with crossing the finish line) has been sharing my story with friends on Facebook and inspiring some of them to be more physically active.
I believe the marathon is a metaphor for life. I look forward to celebrating and supporting Team Red Cross in my journey to NYC 2023.
My father was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2015. In order for him to survive chemo and radiation therapy, he underwent over 100 blood transfusions. Thanks to the efforts of the American Red Cross, this was all made possible.
I am passionate about spreading awareness of the importance of giving blood. Ultimately, these blood donations can save lives.
This will be my second year in a row taking part in the NYC Marathon, so I have a pretty good idea of what I need to accomplish during training to survive the marathon. The most difficult challenge to training and preparation will be finding a running routine and motivating myself to run 3-4 times a week. The best part/most fulfilling part will be tracking progress.
See you at the finish line.
Working for a humanitarian organization (Habitat for Humanity Lesotho) has taught me the importance of love, patience and compassion for others, which are all inspired by witnessing and hearing the success stories of the vulnerable. In light of this, running for Team Red Cross will give me the greatest joy to know that the funds raised and awareness will go a long way in changing and restoring hope to those affected.
Alleviating Human Suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors – is the aspect of Red Cross’ mission I’m most passionate about.
As this will be my first time running the New York City Marathon, the challenge is the anxiety of preparing and the marathon itself. I have done numerous marathons in Lesotho and South Africa, but I always have anxiety about what to expect when running a marathon. Now New York City Marathon will be totally different because of the atmosphere. But the best and most exciting part of overcoming my challenge is always remembering that running and completing a marathon is possible as long as I have the right mentality – remembering that it comes with the joy of raising funds and awareness and finishing it.
For me running is something I do when things are good or bad, as it really helps me mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is about challenging myself, setting goals, and accomplishing them, which always results in a huge sense of pride and joy from running with Team Red Cross. This will be a big win that I have not only raised funds to achieve Red Cross’s mission and vision but also raised brand awareness about the work it does.
Until recently, I’ve only seen myself as a blood donor and personal supporter of the American Red Cross. So when the opportunities came up to run the Chicago and Boston marathons as a member of Team Red Cross, it was an easy decision to select the organization as my charity partner. This choice hits so much closer to home for me now because I have been suffering from severe depression for over 18 months and have needed to take drastic measures toward a healthier me. It is 100% fitting that I help the Red Cross while they are helping me to improve my mental and physical health again. A true win-win.
I am most passionate about the aspect of blood donation from the American Red Cross because I have been told by so many people what a big difference it makes. Helping families who are displaced by disasters is a close second. It’s easy to feel good about supporting all that the Red Cross does.
My training for marathons is largely unconventional because I also train for triathlons. So, while my running colleagues are pushing out multiple 20 milers to prepare, I would be more likely to ride my bike for 4 hours AND THEN run for another 90 minutes. This style of training has proven to be easier on my body and normally allows me to tackle multiple events each year.
The NYC Marathon will literally be my first and only event of 2023. It is a desperately needed restart to help me return to regular exercise. I’m thrilled to be doing something so important for myself and supporting such an important and worthwhile charity.
I decided to join Team Red Cross because of the unbelievable services the non-profit provides and my genuine belief that the platform makes an immediate difference in the communities it serves. I am most passionate about the Red Cross’s disaster relief program. The Maui Wildfire Relief initiative is and will continue to play a vital role in helping those most affected – providing shelter, food, medical equipment, and more. It is in these circumstances the Red Cross is so important because of the team’s swift action and incredible dedication.
The most difficult challenge in my preparation for the marathon is time. I definitely underestimated the amount of hours it would take to prepare for this milestone, and I’m excited to be allocating that time to help raise money for such an incredible platform!
I feel extremely fortunate to be running on behalf of the Red Cross team and am passionate to raise money for the teams supporting disaster relief across the globe!