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SANTA ROSA, CA (August 4, 2017) - The American Red Cross is proud to present the Gene Beck Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award to Bob Pawlan of Rohnert Park. This award, named after a long-time Red Cross volunteer and a member of the board, aims to recognize volunteer leaders who have made significant contributions in leadership roles over the past year.
Bob Pawlan recently retired from teaching high school and was immediately put onto the team to head up the youth clubs in Sonoma and Marin Counties. He put together a comprehensive plan and worked with enthusiasm to corral our energetic youth. He was not intimidated nor daunted by this position. Also, Bob has become an expert on all things disaster logistics - inventories, Emergency Response Vehicles, shelter trailers, and more. He has supported many local disaster operations, working in the areas of logistics, sheltering or disaster assessment. Bob has deployed on numerous national disasters in disaster assessment and stayed on longer than his two-week assignment several times at the request of the Relief Operation managers to fill other staffing needs. His willingness to go above and beyond is incredible. The apparent ease with which Bob delivers the Red Cross Mission does not shine though because it is easy, but because he is that good.
Other outstanding volunteers honored at the recent Volunteer Awards and Recognition Event on include:
· Administration and Support Award: Marianne Arden of Sebastopol and Pamela Baird of Santa Rosa
· Disaster Cycle Services, Outstanding Support: Angie Rivera of Santa Rosa
· Disaster Cycle Services, Exceptional Response: Don Rowe of Ukiah
· New Volunteers of the Year: Mohammed Ibrahim of Santa Rosa and Maurine Renville of Laytonville
· Sally Parks Volunteer Services Award: Tanya Sullivan of Petaluma
· Youth and Young Adult Award: Shynie Lu of Tiburon
Become a Red Cross Volunteer
You can make a difference in Napa and Solano counties by becoming a volunteer with the American Red Cross. Volunteers constitute about 94 percent of the total Red Cross workforce to carry out our humanitarian work. Red Cross volunteers are trained to meet the needs of those affected by disasters, providing food, shelter and comfort for families affected by major disasters such as fires, floods, and earthquakes as well as helping local residents prepare for and recover from emergencies of all kinds. We’ll find the position that appeals to you and allows you to use your skills and talents. Email Nicole.massey@redcross.org for more information.
About American Red Cross of the California Northwest
With office locations in Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma counties the American Red Cross is a non-profit, humanitarian organization that depends on the generous contributions of time and money from residents and companies to provide services and programs that help our community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. For more information on disaster preparedness, health and safety classes, volunteer opportunities, and financial contributions, visit our website at redcross.org/CalNW or call us at 1-707-577-7600. You may also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
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