Your local Red Cross is here to support you with your fundraising efforts. A fundraiser that benefits the Red Cross gives your friends, neighbors or community group the opportunity to support our mission and working with a well-respected brand, like the Red Cross, gives your fundraiser credibility. We invite you to organize a community fundraiser to raise financial support for the Red Cross.
Community fundraisers, once approved, will be provided with Red Cross-created marketing materials. Or, your community group may create its own materials using the American Red Cross name. Please note: we are not able to provide logo use for community fundraisers.
The Red Cross is unable to accept tangible goods (food, clothing, etc.) from community organized collections due to the logistical constraints that are often associated with the acceptance of them. If you have a collection of items that you would like to donate, we invite you to contact your local Red Cross chapter so they can refer a local partner who is able to accommodate your offer. To learn more about why donations of tangible goods are not permitted check out this resource.
Please use the form below to apply to host a fundraiser to support the American Red Cross. Our team will do our best to respond to all inquiries within two business days.