No matter whether you’re a lifelong gamer or just interested in fundraising in a fun and unique way, Tiltify is a crowdfunding platform designed with fundraisers in mind to make it easy to support the American Red Cross while you live stream video games or whatever you love doing!
By fundraising on Tiltify, users can build campaign pages in less than 5 minutes and access a variety of tools that make it easy to connect your live stream and social media accounts to accept donations, create rewards for donors, explain your schedule and goals, and share with your friends to join the FUNdraising. Whether you spend the time to go through all the tools available or just want to get your donation link live and functional, this guide will get you started with your charity campaigns for the American Red Cross!
Whether you are new to Tiltify or already have an account, you can set up a fundraiser in 10 easy steps:
For more detailed explanations on the different steps for fundraising on Tiltify, use the guide below.
To fundraise on Tiltify, you need to have an account.
Start by going to https://tiltify.com/users/sign_up, then fill out the required information below, then confirm your account via email.
Required Information:
Note: You can login with existing social accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch or Mixer to create an account.
To support the American Red Cross on Tiltify, start by going to https://tiltify.com/redcross. Select “Start Fundraising” and then select one of our active events or create your own. If you are starting from your own Tiltify account, select “Create Campaign,” then search for and select “American Red Cross” under “Choose your Cause.”
Once you’ve chosen the Red Cross as your cause, it’s time to create your personal campaign.
Whether joining an existing Fundraising Event or starting your own campaign, you will need to select a campaign type from the options below.
Note: If the Team type is not available, create a team in your User Dashboard first.
Once you have selected a campaign style, follow the prompts to update the details.
Review your details in the “Summary,” then click "create campaign", you will be on the campaign dashboard and only steps away from starting your fundraiser!
Note: The goal amount can be changed after your campaign is created, but we suggest making this amount lower so you can hit your goal and increase it as you go.
The Campaigns tab will take you to a list of every campaign created using your account, categorized as either published, unpublished, or archived. In this section, you can toggle between individual and team campaigns in order to view or edit. From here, you can select any campaign listed and access a Campaign Dashboard for that specific fundraiser.
When accessing a Campaign Dashboard, you’re able to edit your campaign details, adjust your fundraiser goal, change event dates, and generate a schedule.
Tiltify also offers a variety of other fundraising tools available in the Campaign Dashboard that can help your fundraiser standout and be even more engaging. You can find out more about them on Tiltify by clicking on the list below:
There is a TON of in-depth information and tutorial videos available covering the Campaign Dashboard on Tiltify that you can find here. If you just want to keep it simple and get your donation link live - click the "Publish" button in the top right to activate your campaign and provide you with a donation link.
When fundraising, having a visual element that displays how much money has been raised is a critical key to success. Incorporating overlays available on Tiltify is a great visual tool to add to your live stream arsenal to instantly let your audience know that you’re hosting a fundraiser for the Red Cross. By using overlays, you can focus on creating a fun and engaging live stream without having to constantly remind your audience it’s for a charitable cause.
Finding Tiltify Overlays – To get started, you can find the Overlay tab on the left side of your Campaign Dashboard. From there, you can select 3 different types of overlays for you to choose from to take your fundraising game to the next level:
Adding Overlays – No matter which overlay you choose, you will have to use a Browser/Webpage capture in order to use them. They all require the same settings - just a different link for each one. Two Browser/Webpage Capture software’s you can download for free are OBS and XSplit. Instructions on how to add overlays using either software are available in this Tiltify guide.
Other Donation Alert Integrations - To add even more flair to your fundraising efforts, make sure to check out Tiltify’s integrations with Streamlabs, StreamElements, and StreamJar to add pop-up notifications for whenever someone donates to your campaign. While Tiltify overlays animate whenever donations are received, these can add another layer to style and fun to your fundraiser.
This tab will take you to a list of teams you have joined. A team is a group created on Tiltify that will allow you to organize/create team campaigns. Clicking on "View" will take you to the team's profile page, while "Edit" (if you Own or Manage the team) will take you to the edit page, where you can change the team name, bio, manage other members, and create new team campaigns.
This tab is where you can update and view all your personalized information. The main sections of this tab are the following:
Social media is an essential part of Tiltify for connecting and fundraising. This section outlines how to connect your social accounts to your Tiltify profile before you start fundraising.
A little bit of fundraising competitiveness and camaraderie can bring out the best in some communities so consider working alongside other content creators or friends and create a Fundraising Team. Once you create a team from your User Dashboard, you will be able to select your team as an option when you join or create a new campaign for the Red Cross.
Note: You must have your team campaign published before anyone can create a supportable campaign for it. To learn more about creating a supportable team campaign, review this Tiltify article.
$7.50 gift can provide 1 comfort kit containing hygiene items and 1 blanket to a person in the aftermath of a disaster.
$10 gift can provide 1 hot meal and additional snacks to a person affected by disaster.
$15 gift provides 1 smoke alarm installation. The Red Cross installs smoke alarms and provides fire and disaster safety education in at-risk communities across the country.
$20 gift provides breakfast, lunch and dinner to a person during times of disaster. Meals are served by Red Cross workers at shelters or Red Cross emergency response vehicles driving through neighborhoods.
$26 gift can cover the cost of providing emergency communications and critical community services to one military family.
$50 gift can provide a full day of food and shelter for one person displaced by a disaster. This includes breakfast, lunch and dinner; a cot; two blankets; and a comfort kit with necessities like toiletries.
$120 gift can provide a complete emergency kit for family of five with hygiene supplies, blankets, tarps, water containers, a kitchen set and more after an international disaster.
A gift of any size will help support the urgent needs of the Red Cross mission.
A gift of any size can help ensure that lifesaving blood and blood products are available.
√ Promote Your Live Stream. Let your network know ahead of time so they can plan to tune it.
√ Create Engaging Description. Help viewers better understand your live stream content and why.
√ Rehearse ahead of time. Be ready to explain why you’re fundraising. Introduce yourself at the start of the video and why you’re advocating for life-saving mission of the American Red Cross.
√ Be Friendly. Smile and be energetic.
√ Repeat Your Message. Periodically repeat what you are doing and why supporting the American Red Cross is important, specifically for people joining late to watch your Live Stream.
√ Get Support. Have a friend or family member watch your live video so they can tell you if there are any issues with it, such as sound or quality issues.
√ Engage and Thank Your Viewers. People viewing may comment on your video while you’re recording so try to thank them in real time for their support and donations. You should also post after your last live video thanking your network of supporters for watching and engaging.
√ Use Incentives. Tiltify provides a variety of tools for incentivizing donors, a great way to encourage your community to donate to your fundraiser campaigns. Tiltify provides a variety incentive tools for creating and tracking Rewards, Polls, and Targets (also known as Challenges).
√ Live Stream During Peak Audience Hours. According to Twitch statistics, 4 PM EST is the peak viewing time on the platform. However, if you are a regular streamer, you know when your audience is watching best so try to optimize your fundraiser around your own peak viewing hours.
√ Call to Action. Throughout the video and at the end, repeat a “Call to Action” to get viewers to donate and share your video.
√ Abide by the Red Cross Social Media Guidelines and Best Practices. Be a good social citizen and follow the provided Red Cross Social Media Guidelines and Social Media Best Practices.
X Don’t Forget to Get Signed Consent. If live streaming inside of someone’s home or private property, make sure you obtain written permission.
X Don’t Pressure Volunteers. Don’t force people to be on your live stream if they don’t want to be.
X Don’t Use Obscene Language or Gestures. Always keep your video clean and family friendly.
X Don’t Use Pre-recorded Content. Facebook can punish you for not using Live content.