Join the Red Cross' Northern California Coastal Region for an engaging discussion on IHL and conflict in Sudan with veteran international aid worker, author, and public speaker Susan Burgess-Lent. Susan served as Program Director of Darfur Peace and Development Organization, establishing two Women’s Centers in internally displaced person (IDP) camps in N. Darfur for those displaced by the genocide. She provided administrative and logistical support for field personnel of the American Red Cross during the Rwanda genocide. Ms. Burgess-Lent is Founder of Women’s Center’s International, a non-profit that creates resource centers for women affected by conflict and poverty. She earned a BA in Business Management from the University of Maryland University College and certifications in International Humanitarian Law and Disaster Response from the American Red Cross.
This event is a proud part of NCCR's monthly International Humanitarian Law Forum, where expert speakers discuss IHL issues around the world.The film follows Setsuko through her decades of activism up to the current moment when she finally achieves her dream of a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. Susan and Mitchie will be on hand for a live Q&A following the screening.