Sekirite Akwatik pou Paran ak Moun k ap Pran Swen Timoun- Hat. Creole

Class ID a6RKV00000Mbmxt

Kou sou sekirite akwatik pou paran ak moun k ap pran swen timoun yo baze sou sansibilizsyon pou risk pou moun nwaye ak sou fason pou mininimize risk sa yo sitou pou timoun piti yo.Kou anliy sa anseye paran ak moun k pran swen tumoun yo konsèp sèk prevansyon nwaye yo konsèp konpetans akwatik yo ak konsèp chèn sivi lè moun ap nwaye yo.Li bay tou konsèy pou aplike sekirite akwatik nan anviwònman ak sitiyasyon kouran kote timoun yo pi ekspoze ak risk pou yo nwaye.

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  • 48 hours after purchase
American Red Cross
Class Setting online
Class Setting: online

Work At Your Own Pace And Schedule, Interactive And Customizable Courses, Unlimited Course Access For Two Years, Start Taking Your Course Immediately

Class Description
Kou sou sekirite akwatik pou paran ak moun k ap pran swen timoun yo baze sou sansibilizsyon pou risk pou moun nwaye ak sou fason pou mininimize risk sa yo sitou pou timoun piti yo.Kou anliy sa anseye paran ak moun k pran swen tumoun yo konsèp sèk prevansyon nwaye yo konsèp konpetans akwatik yo ak konsèp chèn sivi lè moun ap nwaye yo.Li bay tou konsèy pou aplike sekirite akwatik nan anviwònman ak sitiyasyon kouran kote timoun yo pi ekspoze ak risk pou yo nwaye.
Class Setting
Class Online


  • Work at your own pace
  • Engaging and Interactive courses
  • Start taking your course immediately
  • Course access after completion

The content of these reviews regarding the quality and value of this course is based on data collected across all American Red Cross classes with this title and does not reflect ratings of any specific instructor or provider.

The content of these reviews regarding the quality and value of this course is based on data collected across all American Red Cross classes with this title and does not reflect ratings of any specific instructor or provider.