• Babysitting Training in Nebraska

    At the Red Cross, our babysitting classes in Nebraska can not only prepare tweens and teens for the responsibility of caring for the kids in their neighborhood (and their own brothers and sisters), but we can help adults brush up on their childcare skills, as well. With our Babysitting Basics, Babysitter's Training, and Advanced Child Care Training, which is appropriate for aunts, uncles, grandparents and others, our classes can help those at any age learn how to provide quality care to the kids they know and love.

    Note: The Advanced Child Care Training class is not intended as certification for state-licensed child care providers, and does not meet all state requirements for such certification.

    If your child is babysitting the kids in your neighborhood, or the children of family friends, it's important for him or her to be prepared for the responsibility. That's where our babysitting training in Nebraska can help. With online and in-person classes that were developed by, and are taught by, experts in the field, young babysitters can learn childcare basics, like feeding and holding, safety and what to do in an emergency, child behavior, how to choose age-appropriate activities, leadership skills and more. We'll also cover how to start (and market) a babysitting business – to help your child achieve his or her goals. Find a babysitting class in your area.

    For new parents, especially if you haven't been around infants in awhile, Red Cross babysitting classes in Nebraska can help you prepare for what's to come. With thoughtful, compassionate instruction on caring for a child, including information on holding, feeding, safety, and more, our instructors can help you learn how to take care of your child well before he or she arrives. In addition, we offer courses in first aid/CPR/AED that cover providing care to infants, children, and adults – which can help you learn what to do should your child (or anyone else) become sick or injured and need emergency care.

    In Nebraska, babysitting classes from the American Red Cross are available to those aged 11 and older. However, just because your son or daughter wants to take classes – it may not mean that they're ready for the responsibility of actually caring for children. One of the ways to gauge this is by enrolling your child in one of our online courses, then taking the time to discuss the subjects covered. This will help you understand what your child has learned, and to what degree his or her instincts have developed. In addition, if you have younger children (or friends with younger children), you can allow your elder child to practice babysitting them while you're at home – but busy doing things that won't allow you to interact with the kids. If everything goes well – and all of their tasks are accomplished to your satisfaction – your child may be ready to babysit outside of the home.

    After completing our babysitting classes in Nebraska, students can opt to enhance their skills (and their marketability) by enrolling in one of our first aid/CPR/AED classes. Available in-person, online, or via our blended Simulation Learning experience, which combines online coursework with an in-person skills session, our first aid/CPR/AED classes will help young babysitters learn how to care for infants, children, and even adults, during times of crisis. Topics covered include burns and cuts, choking, breathing emergencies, and more – and can help your child become a more capable, responsible babysitter, and citizen.

    Throughout our babysitting classes in Nebraska, you'll gain the skills you need to provide quality care to kids of all ages. In addition, you'll learn leadership, professionalism, and how to start, and grow, a successful babysitting business. To begin your training, find a class online or in your area.